Professor Maralyn Foureur – Neurophysiology of Birth


As part of the CAPEA 2020 Virtual Conference, Professor Maralyn Foureur presented Neurophysiology of Birth.

Maralyn Foureur is currently Professor of Nursing and Midwifery Research at the University of Newcastle and Hunter New England Local Health District, a joint Clinical Chair. Maralyn is an internationally renowned midwifery academic and clinical researcher in two main areas, Models of Maternity Care Delivery and the role of Birth Unit Architectural Design & Aesthetics and how these impact on childbearing women/families and on maternity care staff. She began her long career in research through becoming a childbirth educator in the 1980s; an experience that exposed her to the critical importance of authentically listening to women to discover how best to meet their support needs. This led to an abiding interest in the neurophysiology of childbirth and provides ongoing insights into what childbirth is ‘meant’ to be.

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