Resources for expectant parents
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- Early pregnancy programs
- Birth and parenting programs
- Birth and parenting course time frame
- Fees for birth and parenting courses
- Finding a birth and parenting program
- Ask questions before signing up!
- Online birth and parenting courses
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents
- CALD parents
- Expecting more than one baby
- Caesarean birth?
- Breastfeeding programs
- Especially for dads
- Parenting programs
- More links
Congratulations on becoming pregnant or a new parent! It is an exciting time with so many issues to think about! Your first step as an expectant mother is to visit your own GP for a referral to your local public Maternity Antenatal Service, perhaps an obstetrician, or consider other antenatal care options. If you are considering private midwifery care, it is still a good idea to develop a good relationship with your GP for ongoing care of your growing family.

Would you like …
- More time to think of and ask all your questions about labour and birth?
- More time to consider everything related to bringing home your baby?
- To clarify what you have read on websites, in books, seen on TV and heard from other people?
- To meet others becoming new parents?
Actively participating in Childbirth and Parenting Education Groups enhances the information gained at your antenatal appointments with your midwife or doctor.
After participating in the Birth & Parenting program, almost all parents report that they:
- have greater confidence to deal with labour, birth and becoming parents
- will use the relaxation skills practised during the course
- are amazed and excited to learn about newborn baby behaviour
- found being in a group of similar parents helped them ask questions and consider different perspectives they did not think about before.
Knowledge usually reduces fear. Knowledge usually promotes confidence.
Early Pregnancy programs
There are short courses conducted during early pregnancy that focus particularly on how the pregnant woman’s body is changing, safe exercising, and tips about what is normal and when you should consult your midwife or doctor. These courses may be provided by a nearby public or private Maternity Service, or privately, eg: pregnancy yoga or aquarobic groups.Birth and Parenting programs
This is the course that most people know about, provoking a range of interesting comments from people who have attended childbirth classes for more than 60 years! As with all education programs, these have evolved greatly over the years, and do vary between maternity services and other private providers. Start your enquiries about a course that best suits you with your local public and/or private Maternity Service and with other new mothers who live near you.
Areas covered typically include:
- body’s preparation for labour and signs of labour;
- when to come to hospital or call your midwife;
- what happens during labour and birth;
- understanding the role of your hormones on labour;
- creating your own emotionally safe birth environment;
- self-help strategies for labour including positions for active labour;
- breath awareness practice and affirmations;
- how your support person can best help you;
- medical pain relief options;
- dealing with unexpected events before,
- during and after labour and birth;
- early skin-to-skin with baby;
- early days in hospital and at home.
As you are ‘becoming a parent‘ and not just ‘having a baby’, most good-quality antenatal courses also include education about:
- newborn behaviour;
- recognising when your baby is hungry, tired or ready for play;
- breastfeeding;
- strategies to develop and strengthen the ‘parenting partnership’ (the mother and the other significant person who will co-parent the child)
- helpful ideas concerning the impact of a new baby on the couple’s relationship.
Birth & Parenting Course time frame
Birth and Parenting courses average about 12 hours in length, being held in various formats to suit busy expectant parents and their support people. They are usually held over several weeks on a weeknight evening, or over 1-3 weekends on Saturdays or Sundays. It is best if the course can be completed before about 36 weeks gestation, particularly for the mother’s comfort. Those expecting more than one baby should aim to complete the course even earlier.Fees for Birth & Parenting courses
It is usual for all providers to charge a fee for this course, to enable the best learning environment for an ideal group of 6-8 couples.Finding a Birth and Parenting program
Find out about the antenatal Birth & Parenting programs conducted by the Maternity Service at which you are considering birthing (public or private hospital or private midwifery service). Ask friends, relatives and new parents about maternity services and antenatal courses in your area. Google search for ‘antenatal classes in …(your area)’ and a range of, though not all, providers pop up. Some people prefer to seek skills and knowledge from private providers. These include:- Calmbirth® practitioners
- Internationally recognised Lamaze childbirth classes in Australia
- HypnobirthingInternational internationally recognised practitioners of The Mongan Method in Australia
- HypnobirthingAustralia practitioners
- Wise Hippo (UK trained) practitioners
- She Births® practitioners
- NCT (UK trained) practitioners
- Yoga practitioners skilled in pregnancy – google ‘pregnancy yoga in Australia’ for practitioners near you
- Independent midwives
- Doulas
Ask questions before signing up!
- What are the professional qualifications of the facilitators of the courses?
- Are these qualifications recognised across Australia, or possibly internationally?
- Do the facilitators have skills in adult education and group facilitation?
- Do the facilitators have current knowledge of evidence-based maternity and early parenting care?
- Are the claims made by any education provider based on evidence? How do you know?
- What are the relationships between the course providers and the maternity services you wish to use?
- What are the fees for participants?
- If you are in a private health fund, are there any rebates that may be claimed?
- What will be the size of the group?
- What information and skills would be covered during the course?
- Are the facilitators able to sensitively support expectant and new parents from young or older age groups, single parents, differently-abled parents, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, Culturally And Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or queer (LGBTIQ) families?
Remember that one of the greatest benefits of going to a group in your area is to meet other expectant or new parents in a similar situation. Some life-long friendships start at antenatal courses!
The providers listed above are for you to investigate and for you to choose yourself.
CAPEA, Inc. does NOT endorse any particular program, business or organisation and suggests that you check the professional, knowledge and group facilitation backgrounds of the provider before committing your time and money to any course.
Online Birth and Parenting courses
- Nourish baby online ( – Accredited by CAPEA
- Debra Betts – Acupuncture and Acupressure for Pregnancy and Childbirth (
- Hypnobirthing Australia (
- Live online HypnoBirthing Classes (
- Birthwell Birthright (
- Calmbirth (

However the benefits of face-to-face groups would be lost, that is the networking opportunities to share experiences and ideas with other expectant parents, practise breath awareness, relaxation and active birthing strategies. It is also a good idea to visit the birth unit where you may be having your baby so that you know where to park, how to enter the building after-hours and imagine having your baby there.
CAPEA, Inc. suggests that you check the professional, knowledge and group facilitation backgrounds of the provider before committing your time and money to any course, and does not endorse any particular course, business or organisation.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents
Large and regional public Maternity Services also provide programs especially for women who identify themselves as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, and who find mainstream programs too challenging, along with their support people.CALD parents
Expectant parents who come from Cultural And Linguistic Diverse (CALD) backgrounds may find courses facilitated with help from accredited health interpreters through their local public Maternity Service.Expecting more than one baby
If these babies are your first, it is still a good idea to participate in the regular Birth and Parenting and Breastfeeding courses. Some maternity centres offer a special session for parents expecting more than one baby, in collaboration with local Multiple Birth Groups, so ask your midwife or doctor. The Australian Multiple Birth Association may provide ideas, practical help and support, as well as links to connect with a group in your local area.Anticipating an elective Caesarean birth?
Occasionally women know that they will definitely have an elective Caesarean birth; this may be a relief for some, or a source of great disappointment for others. There are still benefits for participating in antenatal courses related to parenting and breastfeeding. Some maternity centres also offer a special session just for these women and their support person/s.Considering the next birth after a Caesarean birth (NBAC)?
Women who have had a previous Caesarean birth may be considering options for their next birth, and whether a vaginal birth is possible. Discussion should include your significant support people. Contact your local Maternity Service or online to enquire about NBAC discussion / education groups.Breastfeeding programs
Many public and private Maternity Services provide a stand-alone Breastfeeding course for expectant mothers and their support person/s who may also include the influential new grandmother/s and aunt/s. New parents report greater confidence in starting breastfeeding after gaining knowledge and skills for breastfeeding before their baby arrives. The Australian Breastfeeding Association also provides Breastfeeding courses in some areas.Especially for Dads
Many Maternity Services also offer a separate session just for expectant dads. This session provides an opportunity for men to talk with other men about practical ways they can provide the best for their family. This includes developing their own unique relationship with their child, role and relationship changes during the transition to parenthood and co-parenting with the other parent.Parenting programs
Your (Maternity) Child and Family Health Nurse is your link to resources in your area when you go home with your baby. You would have the contact number for this free state health service with all your discharge papers from your midwife. Services that your (Maternity) Child and Family Health Nurse can link you with include:- Australian Breastfeeding Association group in your area.
- Playgroups may be essential for the parent more than for the newborn child during early weeks, as they provide another source of networking between new parents in your area.
- Triple –P™ programs, for parents with toddlers, pre-school and primary-school aged children.
- Circle of security™ programs. Google ‘Circle of Security Australia’ for state-based courses
- Bringing Baby Home™ programs, based on over 20 years’ work by John & Julie Gottmann, especially for expectant and new parents. Google ‘Bringing baby home Australia’ to find a course for parents in Australia.
- Relationships Australia facilitates Family Parenting programs.
- Infant massage courses for parents – enhance your connection with your baby through massage; check that the teacher is qualified through a recognised Infant Massage Training Provider
More links
We Are Family Education Program nurtures the child and pet relationship from pregnancy to preschool. We Are Family Victoria, We Are Family NSW, We Are Family South Australia (This program is endorsed by CAPEA).Find more useful resources!
See the resources for birth and parenting educators section on our website to find links to more helpful information.
Best wishes for your journey to parenthood!
Join us 6-8 November 2025, as childbirth and parenting education professionals and related industry representatives from all over Australia, come together to invest in our shared vision for childbirth and parenting education into the future.
Stay tuned for more information. #event ... See MoreSee Less
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