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Volume 11, issue 3 has a focus on Key concerns for parents in the first year.


  • Breastfeeding the baby to sleep
  • Prolonged crying
  • Reading to children to combat poverty
  • Colic and the infant microbiome
  • Facilitated play groups for parents from different cultures
  • The Self Worth After Birth project
  • Being therapeutic when you aren’t a therapist

Want to teach?

Learn about the various pathways to follow your dream and passion to become a childbirth educator, or birth and parenting educator.

National Standards

Our Standards guide and encourage parenting and childbirth educators to commit to ongoing improvement in their own practice.

Educator resources

Find unbiased, reliable information to support childbirth and parenting educators in their research for professional development.

Expecting soon?

Congratulations! We have put together some trusted resources to help guide you through the parenting education options.

Childbirth And Parenting Educators of Australia, Inc. (CAPEA)

We are a voluntary, professional association supporting Australian Childbirth and Parenting Educators from diverse backgrounds as they strive to provide high quality, accessible and responsive education to women and their families during pregnancy and early parenthood.

Our members are from a diverse range of backgrounds across Australia, including but not limited to: midwives, child and family health nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, independent educators, doulas, social workers, psychologists, yoga, calmbirth® and hypnobirth practitioners and general practitioners.

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COVID-19 interruptions

COVID-19 restrictions have presented many challenges to educators and expectant parents. The good news is that many innovations are helping to overcome the barriers. See our COVID-19 message to educators and expectant parents.

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