CAPEA Strategic Plan 2022-2025
Our Aim
To be the professional Association for Australian Childbirth & Parenting Educators.
Our mission
To provide support, education, networking and professionalism to and for educators.
Advance Professional Practice
Competency Standards for Childbirth and Parenting Educators to be a benchmark for Australian national standard.
Revision of Competency Standards every 5 years
- Revise standards in 2023
- Online facilitation standards need inclusion in the competency standards
- Develop template letter for distribution to key state stakeholders
- Provide online access to revised competency standards on the website
- Monitor access/ website visits in response to update of standards
Revised competency standards to be used as benchmark by 40% of managers and educators by 2025
- Establish list of relevant stakeholders across Australia including public and private hospitals and child and family health providers and disseminate the revised standards to same
- Identify all larger private organisations providing antenatal and early parenting facilitation to groups and add to the stakeholder list.
Development of an online Educator training package that can be utilised by CAPEA trainers to provide a baseline training to new and/or experience Educators which incorporates and considers the competency standards.
- Further Education Committee to develop and then provide baseline online training that supports antenatal and early parenting educators
Development of mentoring modules which incorporates use of checklist for facilitation
- Further Education Committee to set up a peer review/support network role for mentors to access support if required.
- Provide training for certified Educators to engage in mentoring and support facilitators to achieve CAPEA educator recognition. Including guidelines for practice in providing this service
Develop strategic alliances
Minimum 2 strategic alliances by 2025
Support research relating to childbirth and parenting education
1 research project supported, including financially, every 2 years overseen by Further Education Committee
Support Professional Development Of Childbirth & Parenting Educators
Provide professional development to Educators via the biennial national conference
National conference every 2 years
- 2024 Melbourne and 2026 NSW
- Development of template /checklist for conference organising to share between states
- Establish a key learning /reflection document to be shared within states and establish a mentor list for states to consult with for future conference organisation
- Establish hybrid conference format to ensure ongoing professional development for members
Revised competency standards to be used as benchmark by 40% of managers and educators by 2025
- Establish list of relevant stakeholders across Australia including public and private hospitals and child and family health providers and disseminate the revised standards to same
- Identify all larger private organisations providing antenatal and early parenting facilitation to groups and add to the stakeholder list.
Development of an online Educator training package that can be utilised by CAPEA trainers to provide a baseline training to new and/or experience Educators which incorporates and considers the competency standards.
- Further Education Committee to develop and then provide baseline online training that supports antenatal and early parenting educators
Development of mentoring modules which incorporates use of checklist for facilitation
- Further Education Committee to set up a peer review/support network role for mentors to access support if required.
- Provide training for certified Educators to engage in mentoring and support facilitators to achieve CAPEA educator recognition. Including guidelines for practice in providing this service
Provide professional development workshops
National conference every 2 years
- 2024 Melbourne and 2026 NSW
- Development of template /checklist for conference organising to share between states
- Establish a key learning /reflection document to be shared within states and establish a mentor list for states to consult with for future conference organisation
- Establish hybrid conference format to ensure ongoing professional development for members
Annual seminar /workshop provided by each state branch
- One annually non-conference year
Provide webinars
6 national webinars per annum and 4 or 5 during the conference year
- Zoom format link shared through state stakeholders
- Each state to source a speaker to present on themed topic
- CAPEA national to provide support for state hosts
International Journal of Birth and Parent Education
4 issues per year
- Review and record open hits online quarterly
- Annual contract review and renewal
CAPEA National to produce and distribute newsletter
Monthly publication
Maintain social media presence
Encourage newer members and their contribution to CAPEA
CAPEA committee positions, with mix of experienced and newer members
Ensure Organisational Viability
Increase membership
CAPEA committee positions, with mix of experienced and newer members.
- Identify key associations to partner with to engage with child and family health nurses.
Engage with antenatal and early parenting educators via webinars
- Provide discounted rate to attend webinars
- Develop database of webinar participants and send webinar details to database
Further develop alliance with ACM, CAFNA, large organisations providing
- Identify Universities providing Midwifery and Child and Family health education, scope education on facilitation and identify
Promote CAPEA with stands at min 2 conferences - Develop template for presentation on CAPEA able to be shared with States
Develop guidelines for sponsorship and advertising through CAPEA channels
X 2 major sponsors
X 5 minor sponsors
Position descriptions and organisation chart
Constitution, philosophy and goals reviewed 3 months prior to Conference, and update ratified at Conference
Responsibilities of office bearers clear as per Position Descriptions, reviewed 3 months prior to Conference