Journals and research publications
Below you will find research publications and journals that are linked to CAPEA. There are many quality, peer-reviewed journals that can be found on the internet if you wish to expand beyond this list.

International Journal of Birth and Parent Education is the official publication CAPEA provides access to members as part of their membership. The journal keeps members up to date with current childbirth and parenting articles, teaching ideas and relevant topical issue.

The Journal of Perinatal Education (JPE) is a peer-reviewed journal specifically for childbirth educators published by Lamaze International, USA. Through evidence-based articles, the JPE advances the knowledge of aspiring and seasoned educators in any setting.

INFO Share
INFO Share is a consolidated list of resources, information and professional development opportunities compiled from multiple sources by the Early Parenting Program of Child, Youth & Families Services, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District.

Interaction is the previous journal publication by CAPEA prior to 2019. You can get access to the archives of Interaction journals as part of your CAPEA membership, accessing downloadable PDF copies of the publication in the members area of the webite.

Birth injuries: the hidden epidemic
A summary of insights from an international survey conducted by the Australasian Birth Trauma Association (ABTA), Birth Trauma Association (BTA) & Make Birth Better (MBB).
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Looking for more evidence-based information?
Check out our resources page for links to evidence-based birth and parenting educator websites.
Spinning Babies® is a physiological approach to preparing for and caring for birth.
A clinical trial shows Spinning Babies® Reduced Cesarean Rates by up to 48%.
This clinical trial highlights the effectiveness of Spinning Babies® techniques in reducing cesarean rates, particularly for nulliparous, term, singleton, vaginal (NTSV) births. The results show that after nurses received Spinning Babies® training, the cesarean rate decreased from 27% to 14% in the hospital where the training was implemented. This significant decrease demonstrates the power of body balancing and physiological labor support in reducing unnecessary interventions. #research ... See MoreSee Less
Spinning Babies® Research & References - Spinning Babies
This clinical trial highlights the effectiveness of Spinning Babies® techniques in reducing cesarean rates, particularly for nulliparous, term, singleton,Comment on Facebook