Organisational Structure
The National Committee (NC) of CAPEA, Inc. comprises the office-bearers elected at the National Annual General Meeting held between September and November (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer).
It also includes elected and appointed members: elected State Representatives, appointed Membership Officer, Engagement Officer, Chairperson of the Further Education Committee (FEC), the Biennial Conference Convenor and the Public Officer.
The National Committee meets at least 4 times a year, usually via zoom meeting.

National Committee
National President: Dr Elizabeth Rigg (QLD)
National Vice-President: Helen Funk (QLD)
National Secretary: Rebecca Clark (ACT)
National Treasurer: Kaye Dyson (Vic)
Further Education Committee (FEC)
The Further Education Committee (FEC) is a designated subcommittee of the National CAPEA. The FEC provides a leadership role in practice-based learning and professional development including, but not limited to:
- development and ongoing review of the Competency Standards for Childbirth and Early Parenting Educators, and development of Scope of Practice
- development of processes for CAPEA endorsement of educational programs for Childbirth and Parenting Educators, certification of childbirth and Parenting educators, and endorsement of products, services and/or activities relevant to birth and parenting educators
- awarding of certification and endorsement as identified in point 2
Chairperson: Vacant
Jan Dilworth (NSW)
Donna Griffis (NSW)
Jacqui Morrison (Qld)
Kassie Whitworth (SA)
Dr Sheridan Guyatt (Qld)
Dr Karen McLaughlin (NSW)
Rebecca Clark (ACT)
Bithia O’Brien (NSW)
National Membership Officer
Cathie Rosser
International Journal of Birth & Parenting Education
Bithia O’Brien
Media Engagement Officer
Alison Summerville
Elly Taylor
Webinars and Education Days
Cathie Rosser
Sue Barron
Susan Rebolledo
Jacqui Myers
Public Officer
Cathie Rosser
ABN: 75 001 526 865