Professor Mary Nolan – Our Virtual World – Is this our new reality


As part of the CAPEA 2020 Virtual Conference, Professor Mary Nolan presented Our Virtual World – Is this our new reality.

Mary Nolan, Professor of Perinatal Education, University of Worcester, UK Mary trained as a nurse in the 1970s and then with the UK National Childbirth Trust, and has worked with parent educators across Europe, Australia and New Zealand. She has published extensively in academic and professional journals. As well as writing chapters on sustainable birth practices and teenage pregnancy and chapters for three editions of Myles Textbook for Midwives, she is the author of ‘Antenatal Education: A Dynamic Approach’, ‘Home Birth: The Politics of Difficult Choices’, and most recently, ‘Parent Education for the Critical 1000 Days’. Her research has explored women’s decision-making in early labour, health visitors’ engagement with new fathers, young parents’ sources of information about parenting, and the effectiveness of online antenatal education. Eight years ago, she launched the International Journal of Birth and Parent Education for professionals working in the field of the critical 1000 days. Mary has three daughters and three grandchildren and lives in York.

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